We need women who can give us a hug, make us laugh, dry our tears, watch our kids, and make us lasagna. Instead, we often hurry from task to task, wishing we had more time to spend with good friends, doing things we love. We crave a tribe, and yet, it seems so hard to find. But friendship isn't something you find; it's something you make.
Wondering how you can cover the cost of the kit?
Send a text, FB message, or print an pretty paper invite and explain: "Let's hang out and craft together! I found a kit that includes everything - and it's only $10 a person, and we'll all get to take a ________(flower pot, terrarium, etc!) home!" Asking your ladies to pitch in helps them honor their commitment to show up. Sometimes, it's hard for women to say "yes" to something just for them...and investing upfront helps them keep the event a priority!
If you're really looking to create a thriving community, meet each month for a new craft!
The craft nights serve as a foundation for learning about each other, spending time together, volunteering together, and eventually, becoming an incredible group of friends.
If you commit to meeting together for 9 months (the same amount of time it takes to make a baby!), you'll walk together through struggles, joys, and the daily grind of life. Relationships will develop naturally as you get to know each other, first through chit chat and then through intentional sharing.
And, if you subscribe to receive a new kit each month for 9 months, you'll receive a discount!